National Philatelic Exhibitions of Washington, D.C., Inc.


NAPEX 2024 Court of Honor

Frame 226 - Ninth Universal Postal Congress, London, May 10-June 28, 1929
Blanton Clement, Jr.

Service mail from both meetings are shown, including stamps, corner cards, meters, dispatching marks, cancellations, registry labels and receipt, mailing labels, incoming mail and delegate mail.

NAPEX 2024 Non-Competitive

Frames 161 to 162 - Development of US Rocketplanes 1944-1975
Dennis Dillman

We will look at the progression of piloted US rocket powered airplanes through covers and postcards postmarked on the dates of select flights.

NAPEX 2024 Youth

Frame 121 - Straw Hats: Weaving the World
Aradhana Alexandra Agarwala

Hats made of palm leaves are ubiquitous. My exhibit explores the making of fifteen different varieties, in as many countries, as portrayed in postcards.

NAPEX 2024 General and Single Frame Class Open Competition

Frames 1 to 10 - Getting Swiss Airmail off the Ground
George Struble

Development of Swiss airmail from the first flown mail in 1913 to 1939, when WWII shut it down.

Frames 11 to 15 - TEST DROPS during the Graf Zeppelin's Flights over Switzerland in 1929
Michael Peter

Demonstrates the wide variety of cancellations from the drop cities and the different types of franking that were applied on the mail of the Graf Zeppelin's flights over Switzerland in 1929.

Frame 16 - The 1938 Swiss Pro Aero Flights
Richard T. Hall

The Swiss Post Office created a monster when they devised a flight to raise funds for the Pro Aero Foundation. Thirteen takeoff//landing fields which the collector could chose any combination -- 154 possibilities. The exhibit shows a selection of these covers.

Frames 17 to 26 - Switzerland World War I Soldier Stamps
James A. Anderson

The exhibit presents stamps issued by Swiss Army units during World War I to raise money for welfare projects for soldiers and their families.

Frames 27 to 32 - Coping with Adversity: How Southerners Adapted to Wartime Paper Shortages
Randy Smith

During the Civil War, resourceful Southerners fashioned envelopes out of all kinds of printed paper products to conserve blank paper for letter-writing.

Frames 33 to 42 - The Overprinted Issues of Switzerland for the League of Nations and International Labor Organization (1920-1958)
Greg Galletti

Frame 43 to 49 - SCADTA Mail to and from Switzerland
George Struble

Mail carriage by SCADTA was not a government service until 1932, so SCADTA's own stamps were needed. The story continues until nationalization in 1940.

Frame 50 - Robert M. T. Hunter: Virginia Lawyer, Statesman, Civil War Prisoner
Richard Lomax

Examines career of Robert Hunter through philatelic covers via analysis of manuscript markings, circular date stamps & postage, names & addresses, and notes & directives.

Frame 51 - US Cabinet Secretaries - Free Frankings - 1790-1864
Alfredo Frohlich

Development of the Free Franking system from 1790 to 1864 shown through mail from U.S. Cabinet Secretaries of the period.

Frames 52 to 61 - Panama: Postal Stationery 1903 - 1940
Bradley Wilde

The Production and usage of Panama's stationery from inception in 1903 until 1940.

Frames 62 to 68 - Rates and Usages of the U.S. 3-Cent Circular Die Stamped Envelopes: 1917-1960
Stephen L. Suffet

Postal history exhibit showing how the 3-cent Circular Die envelopes were used in their day.

Frames 69 to 73 - Baltimore: Postal History: from Colonial Times Until June 30, 1851
Patricia Stilwell-Walker

Illustrates significant aspects of US postal history from the colonial period until the end of the 5c/10c Uniform rate period using items relating to Baltimore.

Frames 74 to 78 - The New York Postmaster Provisional
Mark Schwartz

A traditional exhibit of the most widely used Provisional stamp of 1845. Period of July 1845 to February 1851, more than 3 1/2 years after they were no longer on sale.

Frame 79 - The Use of Boston's PAID in Grid Cancels. 1851-1859
Mark Schwartz

To show how the use of these cancels changed over time and to show their use on the various imperforate issues of the period.

Frames 80 to 84 - WWI India Ahmednagar Prisoners of War Camp and Associated Places of Internment
Robert Gray

This exhibit relates the story of India's largest prisoners of war camp for Europeans. It examines through postal covers how they communicated to those outside and within the camp system.

Frames 85 to 88 - Varieties of the U.S. 3-cent Washington Stamp, Issue of 1851-57
Donald R. Getzin

Scott Nos. 10, 10A, 11 and 11A.

Frame 89 - United States 1908 Issue, 10¢ Special Delivery Stamp Uses
Lawrence Haber

This exhibit is organized around the range of rates, markings, unusual uses, and combination frankings.

Frame 90 - Germany Leaves Its Mark on China
Gannon Sugimura

This is a marcophily exhibit showing the cancels used in the German Offices in China and colonial Kiautschou, and their evolution through to the end of World War I

Frames 91 to 95 - The Evolution of Hawaiian Circular Date Stamps
Gannon Sugimura

This marcophily exhibit shows the evolution of the circular date stamp used in the Hawaiian post office between independence (1864) and the end of the Territorial period (1959).

Frames 96 to 100 - United States Postal Counterfeits - The classic period to modern times, 1895-2004
John M. Hotchner

Frame 101 - Valentines Delivered by US Local Post
Larry Lyons

You want to send a city Valentine. Drop off at Post Office for pick-up, No delivery available. You need to use a Local Post.

Frames 102 to 109 - 1914-1919 - German Soldiers Captured in China; Japan Internment: Their Mail Use
Alfredo Frohlich

Demonstrates the intriguingly historical story (drama) of Japanese internment camps & the P.O.W. mail movement/distribution from 1914 to 1919.

Frame 110 - Mexico: '75 $4.30 Strawberry 'Exporta' Stamp
Mark Banchik

Single frame traditional study of a late 20th century definitive stamp issued for a specific rate and service.

Frames 111 to 120 - 1914-1919 - The Columbian Envelopes of 1893
Marvin & Judith Platt

This newly revised exhibit includes the original pencil essay, order of production, watermark and envelope essays, major errors, EKUs , EFOs, illegal uses, world wide destinations.

Frames 121 to 131 - America's Embossed Revenue Stamps
Roger S. Brody

Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper employed in America's colonial, U.S. Federal and State governments to evidence and collect excise and documentary taxation from 1755 to 1856.

Frames 132 to 139 - Great Britain: Development and Evolution of the World's Firts Perforated Stamp (1850-1864)
Juan L Farah

Displays the stamp from the perforation trials thru the various issues that evolved to improve printing, perforation, production, security and reduce cost by the printers.

Frames 140 to 142 - Mayflower's Famous Voyage: The Pilgrim Story and Legacy.
Fred Pritchard

This display class thematic exhibit examines the events surrounding the Pilgrim's arduous 1620 voyage on Mayflower, establishment of Plymouth colony and lasting legacies in America.

Frames 143 to 150 - Pan American Airlines' FAM-5 Air Mail Routes 1929-1945
William Fort

Development of the central network of airmail routes between North and South America during the period of Pan Am's hegemony over U.S. foreign airmail services.

Frames 151 to 154 - Art Deco Influence on European Philately
Terry Hursh

The Art Deco movement is celebrating its 100th anniversary. It had a large impact on architecture, graphic design, furniture...and stamps! This exhibit focuses on the designers that were influenced by Art Deco and the many beautiful stamps they produced from 1925-the middle 1940s.

Frames 155 to 160 - Malta Postal Stationery before Queen Elizabeth II
Kauko Aro

To show the different forms of postal stationery and their uses during the reigns of four monarchs 1885-1956.

Frames 163 to 167 - Switzerland Imperforate Sitting Helvetia Definitives 1854-1863: The ″Strubels″
Bruce Marsden

From planning and pre-production materials through uses to exotic foreign destinations, this exhibit tells the story of the last imperforate definitive series issued by Switzerland.

Frames 168 to 171 - The Postal Rates of Austria, First Issue 1850-1858
Patrick Crowe

This four-frame exhibit will detail the first issue of the five values of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. A series of five stamp values were issued for the various rates and distances.

Frames 172 to 175 - They Did Their Duty: Service of Dogs in WWI
Jack Ginsburg

This exhibit tells the story of various ways that dogs served in WWI as illustrated through Cinderella stamps and postcards of the period.

Frame 176 - Cuban Cigars - Plantation to Street
Elizabeth Hisey

This is a one frame postcard exhibit, showing the growing and production of Cuban cigars.

Frame 177 - The 5 Cent Beacon Air Mail Stamp With Each of the Different Siderographer or Plate Finisher Initials Used on Cover for Early Air Mail Flights in 1928-1929 With Pilot Phots and Information
Ward B. Masden, Jr.

Covers flown with the 10 different marginal markings, pilot photos, maps of routes, accidents, aircraft flown, pilot insignia (wings), advertising airline posters, etc.

Frame 178 - The KgU Propaganda Forgeries of East Germany, 1953 to 1957
Oliver Wyrtki

The Action Group Against Inhumanity (Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichkeit or KgU) Propaganda Forgery Stamps and their use in the sabotage campaign against the East German regime.

Frame 179 - Hung Hsien 1916: The Last Chinese Empire
Aaron Li

The exhibit illustrates the postal history of 83 days of ″Hung Hsien″, the last Chinese Empire as well as the period after the fall of empire until death of Yuan Shih-Kai.

Frame 180 - Stamps As Currency During the American Civil War
Lawrence Gregg

Frames 181 to 182 - Mail Souvenir Cards by Wirths 1897-1904
Robert L. Toal

US Souvenir View Folders originated in 1897 first published by Wirths Brothers. This exhibit analyzes folder types and postal uses as well as present examples of the cities depicted.

Frames 183 to 192 - Marginal Markings: Siderographer and Plate Finisher Initials
Ward B. Masden, Jr.

Display of the variety of stamps from 1906-1928 with initials applied by siderographers and plate finishers on and off cover.

Frame 193 - The Insurrectionist Issues of Laos, 1961 and 1974
Emory Earl Toops

A one-frame study of stamps issued in 1961 by the "Neutralist" alternative government of the Kingdom of Laos and the 1974 Pathet Lao issues.

Frame 194 - The Earliest Black Portrayals on US Stamps 1864-1872
Peter Schwartz

Black and African-American depictions in vignettes of 19th-century US stamps

Frames 195 to 203 - The Kansas and Nebraska Overprints
Vicky Hadley

Exhibit shows all 22 overprinted values, stamp production, all errors and varieties, early usages and all rates current for the issue.

Frame 204 - Canal Zone Trans-Pacific Airmails thru 19464
Bradley Wilde

Proper usages of airmail rates on Trans-Pacific airmail letters until the rate change of 1946

Frames 205 to 214 - Hungary Revenues - The First 200 Years
Jeffrey Crown

A Survey of Hungary federal revenues, tax-paids and Budapest Municipal revenue issues from Austrian Empire rule until present.

Frame 215 - The Crump Label Company Advertising Cards 1884-85
Robert L. Toal

The Crump Label Company used the postal service in an organized fashion to mail their ad cards. Other vendors also used Crump made cards and did the same. This exhibit documents this.

Frame 216 - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Members Honored on U S Stamps
Hollace Enoch

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is historically African American. Members featured have made significant contributions in areas including politics, journalism, education, civil rights and the arts.

Frames 217 to 220 - Balloon Post of the Siege of Paris, 1870 - 1871
Bob Myers

Sharing the fascinating stories and unique history of siege mail carrying balloons during the Siege of Paris from September, 1870 to January, 1871

Frames 221 to 225 - UPU British Commonwealth and Empire Specimen Stamps, 1884 - 1948
Bob Myers

The history and evolution of the UPU specimen stamps, sharing examples of the rarest specimens, iconic sets, and insightful stories about the specimen history.

NAPEX 2025

Friday, June 6: 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday, June 7: 10 am to 6 pm
Sunday, June 8: 10 am to 4 pm

Hilton McLean Tysons Corner 7920 Jones Branch Drive McLean, Virginia 22102

Do not try to make the reservation through
There are 2 ways for NAPEX attendees to make their hotel reservations:
Make On-Line Hotel reservations
Phone the Hilton reception desk directly at (703) 847-5000. Use rate code To Be Determined and tell them that you are attending NAPEX.
Either way you will get the NAPEX show rate (June 6-8):
$TBD/night + taxes
(single or double occupancy)
Deadline for reservations at $TBD rate is TBD